1. What the Heck are English Bloopers?
2. The Story behind EnglishBloopers.com
3. What You'll Find on this Site
1. What the Heck are English Bloopers?
English Bloopers are obvious mistakes in English composition. On this site, an English Blooper is anything in print that is funny, strange, shocking, or otherwise strikes a chord. For example, take a look at the picture below. It's a photo of a menu from a Korean restaurant.
Photo courtesy of K. W. Hash
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2. The Story behind EnglishBloopers.com
EnglishBloopers.com is all about funny English. Funny English on business signs, in magazines and newspapers, and on product packaging. Everything and anything with strange English on it that we've been able to get our hands on has been scanned. If you're from an English-speaking country and you've ever spent time in a country where English is not the mother tongue, then you'll instantly recognize the concept behind this site. Before we draw any fire from the politically correct, the point of this site is not to poke fun at non-native English speakers, but rather to make light of the way English is used by people who haven't mastered it. Hey, we all need to laugh, right?
This site is all about humorous signs, posters, product packaging, and other print media in English. We hope it makes you laugh!
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3. What You'll Find on this Site
EnglishBloopers.com is mainly a showcase for instances of funny and strange English that you can encounter in daily life. So the highlight of this site is the Bloopers archives. But there are other sections as well. There are links to related sites, an ESL and English education section, and more. Have a look around!
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4. Reasons for this Site
Some of this site's visitors may be wondering what the point of this site is. What makes this site worth visiting? Well, my friends and I have had a lot of fun going around collecting images for this site. We get a big kick out of the funny English writing, and we hope that you will too. So one good reason to come to this site is for comic relief. This site is also built with user participation in mind; it will be great to get feedback from our visitors. Feedback and interaction will help make the site richer, more vibrant, and more alive. Finally, the ESL component to this site is, in my mind, essential. Hey, if we're going to crack jokes about English gaffes, we should at least be doing something to help English learners improve, right?
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Any native English speaker will right away see that something is wrong with this menu. For those of you who aren't native speakers and wonder why the words Cock and Diet cock are circled, let's just say that in informal conversation, cock is a part of the male anatomy. 'Nuff said. There are lots more images like this on our site! Feel free to look around--but remember, Enjoy Coke! not Cock!
Best Wishes,
Max Becker-Pos, Webmaster
© Copyright English Bloopers, Inc. 2003, 2004. All rights reserved.